Expert Answers

Expert answers has been designed to guide you through common bedwetting questions. These include bedwetting management, bedwetting alarms and how parents can help their child through this phase. Explore all you need to know about bedwetting with DryNites®.

Dr Catherine
hello, so anyway my sister (9) wears your night nappies and had ...

It sounds like you are experiencing secondary enuresis (SE) – this is simply the term used to describe the condition experienced by individual’s who experience bedwetting after six or more months of being dry at night. When it comes to SE the first

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8-15 years
Hi Dr. Catherine. My son who is 15 wets the bed occasionally ma...

With respect to the sizing I can certainly pass on this request to the design and marketing team. The absorbent pants are specifically designed to be worn under clothing including normal underwear so there should not be any issues there. All the

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8-15 years
hello. Im 13 and maybe wet the bed like once a week. i buy dryni...

Hi Travis, you can certainly request other sized samples off the Huggies website to see whether these provide a better fit. With respect to keeping this a secret - while I understand there is considerable embarrassment surrounding bedwetting I would

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8-15 years
I'm 20 year old and I wet my bed once a month or one in two mont...

This type of bedwetting is referred to as secondary enuresis – with the most common cause being stress. With this type of bedwetting you typically become dry when whatever is causing the stress goes away. In saying this – secondary enuresis can al

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8-15 years
My 6 year old son is ASD, ADHD & SPD. We have tried to night tim...

A number of studies have shown an increased risk of bedwetting among children with both Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Many of these children will outgrow bedwetting on their own however some will benefit from

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4-7 years
Hi dr catherine My son he wets the bed and i want him to go bac...

Dear Bob, the first thing you need to do is seek medical advice – any form of daytime incontinence after the age of 5 years needs to be investigated by a doctor. It is important that you resolve his daytime continence challenges first then you can

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8-15 years
My daughter has been toilet trained for about 2 years but she ha...

The time between achieving daytime control and nighttime continence can vary from child to child. While some children will become dry at night within a few weeks or months of being trained during the day, others may take years, with about 1 in 5 ch

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4-7 years
My 8 year old daughter gets woken up three times a night but is...

While you may be able to reduce the number of wet beds by lifting your daughter onto the toilet during the night – this method won’t help her to independently wake and empty her bladder on her own. As her body matures she will learn to respond to t

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8-15 years
I never got my sample I requested it but it never arrived I just...

I apologise for this delay - you can either request another sample or contact Huggies directly: 1800 028 334. Kind Regards, Dr Cathrine

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4-7 years
Hi Dr catherine i wet and poo my bed and my parrents want me to ...

I imagine this must be very frustrating and embarrassing for you. Firstly let me reassure you that you are not alone – about 1-2% of teenagers wet the bed at night on a regular basis. If you have not already done so the most important thing to do

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8-15 years